Today, you will have the chance to win two tickets to Mickey’s Halloween Party at Disneyland!! What is Mickey’s Halloween Party? Its an after party that takes place in Disneyland Park on 11 special Monday, Tuesday and Friday nights. Mickey’s Halloween Party invites adults and children to dress up in costume and trick-or-treat – candy…
My girl would love to go!
I would love to go. Wanted to go for my bday Oct 30th but they are not having it that day.
This sounds like so much fun!!
Monique recently posted..Style Trend: Faux, Leather, & Pleather Jackets
EEEEEEEK!! I would love to go with my family! So fun!!
This would be a great experience for my seven year old!
I’d love to enter! I’m not sure if I just leave a comment or if there is something else I need to do.
This would be an awesome Halloween event!
Looks like so much fun!
There is something truly “magical” about Disneyland. I would love to share this with my sweet lil guy, as he has never been. He is looking forward to dressing up this year, so this would be such a treat! :o)
I like Splash Mountain.
My favorite part of Disneyland are the decorations and the fireworks show at Halloween!
I love Toon Town and my daughter loves It’s A Small World
I love watching my boys have to much fun while we are there. These are priceless memories
The haunted mansion is my favorite part about disneyland.
I love all the holiday decorations at Disneyland!
Love the entertainment and characters that roam about
It’s hard to say because I love many things about Disneyland. One of my favorite is the Christmas parade/fireworks show specifically at the end when the bubble machines start going off and it looks like it’s snowing. As a teenager I used to think it was very romantic all the couples around me would kiss and hold onto their loved ones. Then 8 years ago my husband proposed to me at this exact moment in Main Street.
My favorite part of Disneyland is ToonTown.
Haunted Mansion, pirates of the caribean, Indiana jones ride and decorations during christmas time. I’ve never been to Disneyland on halloween time so it would be awesome for me to win the tickets!!
I like Fantasyland
I love all of the characters walking around and then people watching when everyone is exhausted by riding the train around the park!
My girls love Disneyland… their favorite is the Ariel ride at California Adventure.
I’d love to see all the bright colors in The Haunted Mansion and have a family photo taken in front of the big Mickey pumpkin at the end of Main Street. My little man would have a blast walking around in his Jake (and the Neverland Pirates) costume!
My favorite part has to be the TEACUPS!! Brings back childhood memories.
I love EVERYTHING about disney!!! The sights, the sounds, the smells, the rides, the characters!! What is there NOT to love about disneyland??? 🙂 <3
I love people watching at Disneyland. It is the best.
I love the Dole Whip!
reliving happy childhood memories
I like Toon Town the parades.
I love splash mountain!
Kyla recently posted..Halloween Fun: Let’s BOO!
My favorite part is seeing my little girls face light up when she sees one of her favorite character.
I am the biggest kid ever even if I’m an old lady. Didn’t get to experience Disney as a child so as an adult I’m trying to get it out of my system! Only been there 3 times and need to go to the Halloween Party!!! 🙂
Denisse Montalvan recently posted..The Trident Experiment
Have never had the chance to experience Disneyland, yet! I think I would be most excited about Cinderella’s castle
I love the rides.
Romina recently posted..Mimi’s Cafe Power of Pink Campaign Raises Breast Cancer Awareness (Giveaway)
I love how festive Disneyland gets when it comes to virtually every holiday!
all the great gluten free food
Did I win?!? :))
I love the magical atmosphere!
I love that it makes me leave all my worries behind! My life is magically better and happiness fills my heart! I love Disneyland!!!
What an awesome giveaway! We love Disneyland . Maybe too much! Halloween in Disneyland is almost better than Christmas in Disneyland. The cast members go out of their way to make it such a great experience! we attended when it was In California Adventures. We would LOVE to see the very special fireworks!
My favorite part of Disneyland is everything is so beautiful!
My favorite thing is watching my kiddos faces as they experience the same magic that Disneyland had when I was a child
I cannot choose just one thing about Disneyland that I love, I love it all, well maybe I only just really like adventureland!
My favorite thing about Disneyland is going with my family or my boyfriend. It is a wonderful experience and especially romantic and fun!
I mostly love going with my boyfriend because we are just too excited and we end up being like little kids. :)!
My favorite thing about Disneyland, is knowing that when you enter the park all your stress and worries vanish. As quoted by Julie Andrews, and I completely AGREE with that statement. I love Disney, and have grown up as a disney baby. The attractions, to the food, to the atmosphere, I am IN LOVE with Disney. I’m not kidding. To win these tickets would be amazing <3
Brooke recently posted..ALL DAY DATE
I love that my daughter loves going and seeing the characters
I love the holidays at Disneyland, especially Halloween Time. We’ve never gone to the halloween party though. Hopefully this year we will get to go!
My Kids LOVE Disneyland – though my youngest has yet to go. Our favorite part is the Ariels Grotto
Danyelle recently posted..Crayon Art on Canvas
My favorite part of Disneyland is feeling like a kid again. I have no worries when I’m there. It truly is the happiest place on earth! 😀

Charlene recently posted..It’s October 1st and we already put some Halloween…
I love seeing my kids faces when we enter!
Laureen recently posted..Monster’s Inc. Birthday Bash or Halloween Party!!
This would be the perfect excuse to see Disneyland at Halloween. It sounds so awesome!! 🙂
my fave part of Disneyland was always Tom Sawyer’s Island. I know they’ve changed it to a pirate theme now… but playing with my friends in the caves was always fun!
carolina recently posted..Hamilton Beach Durathon Iron Giveaway!
My favorite part of Disneyland is the look of exctied my son gets on his face as we walk through the gates.
My favorite part about Disneyland is definitely New Orleans Square. Transports me to a different time and era, one that is always full of mystery and magic. And my home-away-from home is The Haunted Mansion for sure!
The atmosphere! It’s so magical and fun.
the fireworks, the parade, the magic!
My favorite part is tomorrow land 🙂
My favorite part of Disneyland are the rides — I like Pirates of the Caribbean, Space Mountain, and the Matterhorn.
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
The different lands
It’s hard to have one favorite part about Disneyland – I love it all – the Teacups, the characters, the lights on main street, the fireworks, Splash mountain. I think my favorite part is the smile it puts on my daughter’s face – she is in heaven when we are there!
The pineapple ice cream at the Tiki tiki tiki tiki tiki room!
My favorite part of Disneyland is the carousel – it’s my youngest daughter’s favorite thing, and her face totally lights up every time.
Heather recently posted..Last week, I did stuff! PFTW
My favorite part of Disneyland is the overall theme and ambiance of the different areas. Especially New Orleans Square when the jazz band is out playing and tossing beads at guests. 🙂
My favorite part is taking pictures of my kids with all the cute Disneyland atmosphere!
We love to see our favorite characters!!
Bonnie Owens recently posted..The Amazing Hostess: Fall Table Settings
The Blue Bayou is one of my favorite places to eat at Disneyland.
My favorite part is to see my niece’s face 🙂
Disneyland itself is my favorite part!!! Everything in it! From the food, to the rides and parades!
My favorite part about Disneyland is simple… it never gets old! no matter how many times I’ve been it’s always exciting, happy and new!
Disneyland the whole park is my favorite, but It’s small world tops it.
My daughters face light up when she sees all the characters!
favorite part is the rides!
As a child I lovde the It’s a Small World ride. We’ve never managed to take my daughter and she so wants to visit Disneyland. Halloween is her fave holiday so this would be a fab prize to win!
Honestly, to this day, my favourite part about Disneyland is still the characters. I love seeing the princess and Winnie the Pooh. I smile like an idiot when Mickey and Minnie show up and I get to excited when Goofy fives me a hug. The actors/actresses make it all the better.
Alexis recently posted..Hello October ❥
Oh my goodness! To just pick one thing in Disneyland? That’s a toughy! I would say the whole entire time spent in Disneyland with family and friends is the best~ (:
Seeing my sons face when he sees Pooh and friends. Thanks.
My favorite part about Disneyland are the rides! I have childhood memories there!!!
Elizabeth Dalton recently posted..Screw You Back Pain!
I love everything about Disneyland!
Space Mountain is also a favorite.
My family loves Disneyland! I like the characters, the parades, the rides, the food…everything!
I love all the decorations!
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Definitely space mountain! I hope to take the kiddies there soon!
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