Monthly Archives: January 2013

Home Organization with Trinity Products #TRINITYproducts #spon

I like having all my craft supplies in one place and before I had them all over the place because I had no place to organized them. This year, I’m hoping to accomplish and tackle home organization as part of my New Year’s Resolution with the help of Trinity. Trinity is a company that sells…

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Instgram Blog Hop and Now Vine too!

Welcome to the Instagram Blog Hop! If you’re new here, the Instagram Blog Hop is a party where you link up your Instagram account, find and follow new friends, and be continually inspired by what you see in your Instagram feed! No need to have a blog, just an Instagram account! NEW! Now you can…

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Twitter’s Vine App

Have you heard of the new Twitter’s app called Vine? Vine is a mobile app launched by Twitter a week ago that let’s you take a 6 second video and sharing them to other Viners. To record a video you can hold your finger on the screen or you can hold it of and on…

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DIY Floordrop for Food or Product Photography

I’m always looking for new backgrounds for my food or craft photography and I’ve had my eye on some really cool professional backdrops but are just too expensive for me. So I decided to make my own. I went off to Home Depot and bought some cheap wood boards, and a Valspar sample paint. Total…

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Valentine’s Day XO Wreath

I’m almost done with my Valentine’s Day Decor. This year I only decided to decorate with a simple coffee filter wreath and decorate my mantel. I’m also doing a little photo-shoot, a little DIY Valentine’s Day shirt & a mini Valentine’s Day card that are coming soon. Stay tune for more Valentine’s Day decor and…

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