Monthly Archives: October 2014

Heritage of Tomorrow #CreaFuturo #Ad

Thanks to Verizon FiOS for making this post possible as part of being a brand ambassador. Ever wonder how the future ahead of us would be like? How our great grand children will be like? How would the technology evolve in 100 years? If you were asking me that about 6 years ago, I would…

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Junius Cosplays

Ever since my little guy arrived to this world, it has been so amazing and have inspired me to create costumes for him. I first started with a simple superman onesie from Target and fell in love the way he looked, he was my mini Clark Kent, with the curl and all. When ever I…

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Free Printable Growth Chart #GotMilk #ad

I’ve teamed up with Got Milk to share a fun Printable for your kiddos. We used to write down with pencil my Little Aries growth progress on the wall in her room but we recently had to paint the room. We still saved her progress in a large ruler so I can add it on…

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  • Sue

    My son is 13 and over 5 feet. Wish the chart went 1 foot higher. Any suggestions?ReplyCancel

  • I tried printing this out – you are missing a page between 3Ft and 4ft. specifically the THICK black line at the 3Ft line.ReplyCancel

Baby Must Have: Mamas & Papas Armadillo Stroller

This is a sponsored review post on behalf of Mamas & Papas. All opinions and content is my own. One of our favorite stroller brand company, Mamas & Papas has come up with our newest favorite stroller: Armadillo. Their amazing colors, style, functionality, design and lightweight makes the Armadillo one of the best of all….

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Halloween Hairstyles Ideas for Kids

This is a sponsored post on behalf of JOHNSON’S® NO MORE TANGLES® Halloween day is just around the corner and every year I get a little more excited for Halloween day to celebrate, be creative, trick or treat, and pretend-play. Halloween for us is not just on Halloween Day, we love creating costumes year round,…

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