Monthly Archives: August 2011

Wordless Wednesday!

Here is my second Wordless Wednesday!  “Daddy and Me Time“ Vic showing some of his Kreo transformers to Little Aries.. which she is not allowed to touch them! lol Hope your’e all having a terrific Wednesday! Tweet

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Potty Training And Some Updates

When we woke up in the morning around 3:30pm {Yes our morning, we usually go to sleep around 4am} Little Aries right away asks for “teta”; her milk. She sometimes waits for me next to the refrigerator until I go over and serve her milk. A little after having her milk, she said “poopy” and she touched…

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  • Such a cutie! Love her.ReplyCancel


    I love all of your changes!! I grabbed your new bird button and swapped it over, sooo cute 🙂
    I appreciate and love all of your comments too…and try and respond each time. Don't worry, I think I have RSI in my fingers lol, too much use on my phone hehehe
    Good luck with potty training, she'll pick it up when she's ready 🙂
    Enjoy your 'weekend'…and I haven't forgotten your shout out!

  • karen

    It sounds like your little one might not be quite ready to train. Maybe back off for awhile and try again in a few months??

    My 2 1/2 yr old is still not trained… so other than not pushing her, I really don't have any advice. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Amber S

    I am your newest follower from the blog hop. Hope you can come check out my blog

    Love how adorable your blog is!ReplyCancel

  • Aww thanks!! 🙂 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!ReplyCancel

  • Thanks so much.. i think i am gonna back off.. until she is ready. Just wanted to start early and save on diapers but i think it wont happen soon. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂 I appreciate your advice!ReplyCancel

  • Hi Amber.. I dont show you up on my list.. which way are you following me? I am now following your blog.. I love your pics specially # 7 & 9..and 1!ReplyCancel

  • I agree that she might need to be a little older. My oldest daughter I let go bare under a dress all day, but 2nd daughter didn't have that option and I think took a bit longer. She was older too. Oldest son, couldn't get the hang of it, so I put him back in diapers until he was 3 and he was trained in less than a week! (at night too!)
    Good Luck ~ and just remember, they don't go off to college without knowing how to use the potty 😀

  • Rosa Maria Moreno

    Hendrix didn't want to start potty training until March/April of this year and he turned 3 last December. Now he's fully potty trained during the day. We are just having issues with the nighttime potty training.ReplyCancel

  • Thanks a bunch for your advice! I appreciate it! I am going to wait until she is ready!ReplyCancel

  • 3 yrs… ? Aries is 16 months… and she is really smart so I thought I start early but she is not as smart for potty training.. lol Thanks a lot for sharing!ReplyCancel

Very LOW entries giveaways! Ending SOON!

Have you entered on the giveaways? Daisy Girl ONLY 10 Entries {Sponsored by me} 2 Headbands and 1 Hair Clip from my Store: Little Miss Chic ENDS Monday 8/29 Tiny Fingerprints: ONLY 17 Entries {Sponsored by me} 3 Headbands from my Store: Little Miss Chic Ends 8/31 My Memories Software:  Worldwide  ONLY 15 Entries, Ends 9/04 Share with everyone! Hurry!  You…

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Silly Sunday Hop 8/28/11

It’s Sunday and it’s time to link up in the Silly Sunday Hop again. The rules are simple, you must follow your hosts My Very Own Mommy Blog and Alittle Inspiration. Remember! Follow and be followed. Please make sure to Tweet about the Silly Sunday Hop below!If interested in joining the Silly Sunday Hop as…

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  • Thanks for hosting! I'm your newest follower 🙂
    Be sure to stop by my blog and enter to win $100 CASH!!ReplyCancel

  • Jessica Hoerner

    I am following from the weekend blog hop at Little Love! <3 I am also linking up on your hop! Looking forward to reading more; your blog is so pretty!


  • Yissele Shirley

    I like your Blog & I'm now following you! Happy Sunday hop! I hope you check out my blog at:

  • Hi there! Thanks for stopping by! I'm on my way to follow your blog! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Hi Danielle, welcome! Thanks for participating! I'm on my way to WIN 100 CASH! lol I hope! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Hi Jessica! Thanks! and welcome to my blog! I m on my way to follow yours! Have a lovely sunday!ReplyCancel

  • Nikki

    New follower! Thanks for hosting this hop!!


  • Sara

    Following from the Monday Mingle Blog Hop- Cute blog, I look forward to looking around. – I see you are a business owner, come to our site and see how you could win 7 or 14 days of free advertising for your business.

    Have a Marvelous Monday!ReplyCancel

  • I'm a new follower! Thanks for hosting this hop, this is my first time participating in any sort of blog hop! I like the style of your blog, it's really clean looking and easy to maneuver around. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Hi Sara! 🙂 Welcome!

    I am now following you blogs! Where is your giveaway for the free advertising?? 🙂 I couldn't find it! Thanks!!ReplyCancel

  • Hi Elisabeth! Thanks a bunch for you sweet comment! I don't like to clutter my blog! Welcome to the hopping! Its so fun and you can meet a lot of new awesome ppl! 🙂 Thanks again and have a terrific week! On my way to visit and follow your blog! Hugs!ReplyCancel

  • Bri Maray

    Thanks for hosting the hop! I'm a new follower from Sweet Carolina Grace. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Hi Bri! i am now following back… thanks for joining us on the hop! hope to see u here nextweek too.. im looking forward to read more of ur posts!ReplyCancel

My IKEA Wishlist! Must SEE!

I love IKEA… some people say the quality of some items is not good, I don’t know but I LOVE the prices! I have never bought anything from there.. but I will soon. My closest Ikea store is about an 1hr away. I got my catalog a month ago and been wanting to share with…

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  • I agree…love Ikea AND I love the prices even more. New follower from Super Stalker Sunday.ReplyCancel

  • I love, love, love IKEA. My husband and I bought our couch and kitchen table from there when we moved into our first apartment together – eight years ago! They are still in good condition; I don't know if we will ever need to replace the kitchen table. They've survived three out of state moves, three kids (ages 4 1/2, 3, and 2), our cat, and many family visitors. I suppose it depends on the piece of furniture you are purchasing, but I think it's totally worth it. And like you said, their prices are great! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Karen

    Cute, cute stuff! I love Ikea too!! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Gillian

    I love IKEA so much that I have to sit down and take a deep breath when I go. I get overwhelmed! Actually, I outfitted my son's nursery with furniture primarily from IKEA, and grant it, his crib isn't top of the line, I love it! Functionality and affordability… what more can you ask for? Oh, and clean, modern lines!

    Gillian from Baby Talk without the BabbleReplyCancel


    Ooooh I LOVE IKEA, such pretty things and awesome prices!! I like everything you chose 🙂
    Hey I have those white photo frames with the circular stands!! They're in the kids rooms…
    I want to go shopping now, our closest one is in Sydney, 2hrs away 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Emily

    I hate that everything from IKEA is so darn cute and affordable. Makes me want to buy everything!

    Thanks so much for linking up with Super Stalker Sunday hop. There are several wonderful blogs participating this week, you're certain to find a few new favorites!

    I look forward to reading more from you!

    Your Co-Host,
    Emily from Nap Time Is My Time

    P.S. – I've recently switched from blogger to WordPress and had some issues when transferring the GFC widget. I'd really appreciate if you could double check to ensure you're following me!ReplyCancel

  • Hi Sherry! Yes.. gotta love the prices! I'm on my way to follow! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Oh wow! Really? We want to buy a dinning table there but I dont know… :/ Thanks for sharing your experience with Ikea! IKEA is irresistible! Thanks for stopping by! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Isn't? Really cute! Thanks for stopping by!ReplyCancel

  • I have never been to one! Soon i will.. I love their clean modern lines too!! Ikea is my style! 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by! 🙂 YOu are awesome!ReplyCancel

  • Yes i hate that too.. because I Want everything! YOu are very welcome.. i will be on the hop next week too! 🙂
    On my way to your blog to check If i'm there! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Stephanie Narup

    LOVE IT ALL… I have a very similar list! 😉ReplyCancel

  • Angela Kinder

    I love your wishlist! Thought some isn't my style, I could look through my catalog everyday and add something new to MY wishlist!

    New follower from the Monday Mingle Blog hop.

    Have a great week!ReplyCancel

  • Prezidentiallife

    I could spend all day looking at Ikea things!!!!

    the miller's
    prezidential lifeReplyCancel

  • So IKEA is our style! Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate it! 🙂 Hugs!ReplyCancel

  • Hi Angela!
    Welcome and thanks for stopping by! I am now following you back! Thanks!ReplyCancel

  • Right!! If only we had all the time in the world! Thanks for stopping by! 🙂 HugsReplyCancel