Monthly Archives: April 2013

Instagram Blog Hop 4/30

Welcome to the Instagram + Vine Blog Hop! If you’re new here, the Instagram + Vine Blog Hop is a party where you link up your Instagram and/or Vine accounts, find and follow new friends, and be continually inspired by what you see in your feeds! No need to have a blog, just an Instagram…

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Healthy Ice Cream Sandwiches

We are a big fan of Ice Cream Sandwiches but they are not all healthy or gluten-free. Remember our no-bake energy pops? Well these Ice Cream sandwiches are  made with a healthy and yummy no-bake cookie filled with nuts, peanut butter, a little nutella, honey, flaxseed & oats. My daughter and husband loved these ice…

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  • Awesome! love the idea! thanks for sharing this recipe (:ReplyCancel

  • Laura J

    If you wanted to make them a little lighter, there is a weight watcher recipe where you use graham crackers and cool whip to make ice cream sandwiches. You could use the cool whip here also!ReplyCancel

  • LOVE healthy. These look right up my alley!ReplyCancel
    Anne recently posted..summertime {printable update}My Profile

  • […] With that in mind, I did a bit of research to put my own twist on the [totally awesome] ice cream sandwich recipe below that is…simple, light, delicious, and a cinch to prepare — you don’t even have to bake the cookies! You could also easily make this recipe vegan-friendly by swapping in coconut milk, or soy ice cream for dairy ice cream as well. Experiment, indulge, and enjoy…with this recipe, you certainly won’t feel guilty about it! Below are my tweaks to Little Inspiration’s Healthy Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe […]ReplyCancel

Create & Inspire Party 4/26

  Welcome to the Create & Inspire Party! C&I is a party where you can come by and party along to share your creativity, projects or anything inspiring! You can link up as many projects you want with no rules, all we ask is a little tweet or share this party with your crafty bloggy…

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Instagram Project: How To Display Your Instagram Pictures

I love Instagram, is my favorite social media outlet. I love engaging with the people I follow and people that follow me. Its a little way to show my daily adventures of my love for food, children’s fashion, crafts and my daily life. Follow me via Instagram @blogali. So, today I”m showing you a fun…

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Mexican Churros Recipe #MasecaNosGusta

If you haven’t tried Churros, you must. During my childhood at El Paso, TX, my parents used to take us every other weekend to Mexico to visit family. On our way back home we  always stopped by a supermarket where my grandpa used to work. At that supermarket, they sold homemade churros filled with cajeta …

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  • This recipe looks so yummy! I’m excited to try it!!!!
    I’m one of your newest followers! You can follow back t utahqueenofchaos.comReplyCancel

  • Nataly Carbonell

    Hey there, can’t wait to try this recipe, I’ve always wanted to make churros but they never came up the way I expected, LOL. But hopefully with the right recipe and ingredients I’ll get it right this time, thanks!ReplyCancel

  • Maria

    Tu blog esta hermoso! Estoy encantada de intentar de hacer estos riquisimos churros. Una pregunta, los puedo hacer en la manana y comerlos mas tarde? Los quiero para una mesa de postres pero no los puedo hacer al minute porque tengo muchas otras cosas que hacer. Tengo miedo que no se mantengan crujientes o que se hagan duros. Espero tu respuesta.


  • […] Mexican Churros from Little Inspiration […]ReplyCancel

  • Clarissa Salas

    Hi there I’m from El paso also loved going to Juarez for the food nothing like it especially the tortas yum can’t wait to try these churros the stuffed ones are always the best.ReplyCancel

  • nina

    Love this, my hometown is El Paso, loved this recipe. Miss going home for authentic Mexican food. ThanksReplyCancel

  • Look so yummy! I’m gonna try this recipe for my nephews.ReplyCancel

  • Always wanted to learn how to make Churros. Thank you for sharing this recipe!ReplyCancel