Monthly Archives: July 2012

#photoadayjuly Monthly Re-Cap Party! July 31- Aug 7

Hello fellow #PHOTOADAY friends! Welcome to the #PHOTOADAY Monthly Re-Cap Linky Party for July, hosted by Kimberly from A Night Owl, Angie from Little Inspiration, and Mar from Raising Bean! Did you participate in #PHOTOADAYJULY? Here is the original #PHOTOADAYJULY list by blogger Chantelle of FatMumSlim. New to #PHOTOADAY? Want to know more about how…

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Guest Ready Bathroom & A DIY #CGC #CleanHands #spon

I have been meaning to fix my old flower pot from the bathroom.. and I just barely got the time to do it. I wanted to re-purpose it to make it look more modern but easy for anyone to do. I had this fake flower pot for long time, the base is broken and was…

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Yay for Potty Training Breaks! @PullUpsBigKid

Since our last update on our potty training phase, things are going slowly but surely. We are conquering potty training. Have you taken breaks during potty training and has it help you and your toddler and has it helped you? Overall, our progress has been great. She is getting used to the idea of potty…

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Buy a T-Shirt and support a great cause!

I’d like to introduce you an awesome shop called Mommy Art Heart is a brand new company that just launched this week. They sell “mommy” shirts and donate $5.00 of every purchase to a great cause. The shirts are based on the many jobs that moms perform each day to keep their families healthy…

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$30 Bath & Body Works GIift Card #Sweepstakes

I just love Bath & Body Works, don’t you?! I participated w/other bloggers to bring you a chance to win a $30 gift to Bath and Body Works sponsored by Coupon Cabin! Giveaway is open to US & ending on at 12:01am on 8/12/12. Good Luck! a Rafflecopter giveaway Disclosure: In addition to any disclosure…

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  • Angie Kissel Weightman

    Thank you for the opportunity!! Great name BTW. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Kailyn

    Ahhh, I love BBW!! Forever Sunshine is my favorite 🙂ReplyCancel

  • bianca roman

    Email used for RSS feeds – yobonks(at)gmail(dot)com
    Pinterest username – bianca roman (supbonka)
    Linky name – bianca roman/yobonks(at)gmail(dot)com

    there weren’t places for those on the RC!!!ReplyCancel