Monthly Archives: December 2013

DIY Holiday Gift Sets #BestFeelings #ad

Thank you to Glade® for sponsoring this fantastic craft post as part of our partnership as a Glade® Ambassador.   Christmas is just around the corner, and I’m not even close to finishing shopping for holiday gifts. I’m only 12 days away frommy due date and, well, shopping all day at this stage of my pregnancy…

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9 Month Pregnancy & Update

My due date is around the corner. It’s exciting and I’m nervous at the same time. My due date from December 20th was moved to December 23rd and with only 5 days left, my doctor told me it could be sooner since I was about 5-6 cm dilated at last week’s check up. As I’m…

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Instagram Blog Hop 12/17

Welcome to the Instagram Blog Hop! If you’re new around here, the Instagram Blog Hop is a party where you link up your Instagram account, find and follow new Instagram friends, and be continually inspired by what you see in your Instagram feed! No need to have a blog, just an Instagram account! The Rules…

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DIY Gift Wrapping Idea by Kids #FollowitFindit #ad

My eBay Collections were curated as part of my collaboration with eBay #FollowitFindit. Our little Aries loves to color and I wanted to use her artistic skill to make wrapping paper. I always try to involve her in all of my holiday crafts and she loves it. Letting your kiddos help out with the wrapping…

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  • this is such a an incredible idea. i love, love, love wrapping gifts and this is such a wonderful way to involve the kids.ReplyCancel
    Dusty. recently posted..home.My Profile

Holiday Toy Gift Guide | Hasbro Top Toys for Toddlers

Our little Aries now has a Christmas Wishlist and loves anything Christmasy like House Lights, Ornaments, Christmas song and Christmas Music. Hasbro is my favorite toy company for both the loves of my life: husband and 3yrs old girl. Victor is an ultimate Transformer fan and collector and Hasbro is the go-to brand he immediately…

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