Category Archives: Party Time

Woodsy Spring 8th Birthday Party

We had an amazing relaxing spring break with the kiddos at the woods, surrounded by nature, peace and quite. We needed a little break even it if was for just four days. My little Aries requested a day at the cabin for her birthday so we celebrated her day in the forest. I made her…

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DIY Summer Fruit Balloons

Summer will be here in no time and I’m just counting the days till we leave for our summer vacation to the Bahamas (kid-free!). Ever since having the kiddos we haven’t been able to have a vacation to ourselves and now that we have booked our trip feels likes like it doesn’t come any closer….

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10 Drool Worthy Mini Bites

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Frontier. Spring break for us is in two weeks, so we’re headed out for a quick vacation to visit the family. We intend to party and enjoy family time by going to the movies, movie nights with my kid’s cousins, parent night outs and Yummy food! To…

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  • Tracey Concannon

    We made mini birthday cakes for my daughter’s party one year….stack together two oreo cookies with frosting…frost the outside like a double layer cake in festive colors..add sprinkles or pipe icing to make it look like a traditional two layer birthday cake. We piped frosting piles in the middle and added a super skinny candle (we cut them to size) in the middle of each before serving. After sitting in the frosting for at least 24 hours, the cookies soften up and are cake like! You can even cut slices! It looks just like a little layer cake. Mini plates are a must! I love the BLT bites here, must try them!ReplyCancel

12 Magical Reasons to Host A Unicorn Party

If you need more reasons to love unicorns. Unicorns may not be real but they are sure the most magical creature. I love its white and pops of colors!  Here I gathered 12 of my favorite unicorn reasons to have a magical unicorn party. Get on the unicorn trend. Start by getting inspired by these…

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10 Drink Recipes For Your Next Gathering

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Frontier Latino. When I was living with my parents, watching novelas was a must in my family. My mother loved catching up on the current favorites of the season like Gaviota, Rosa Salvaje or Maria La Del Barrio with us, while snacking on popcorn. With Frontier Latino,…

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