12 Magical Reasons to Host A Unicorn Party

If you need more reasons to love unicorns. Unicorns may not be real but they are sure the most magical creature. I love its white and pops of colors!  Here I gathered 12 of my favorite unicorn reasons to have a magical unicorn party. Get on the unicorn trend. Start by getting inspired by these creations. All for the love of unicorns!


  1. Unicorn Fudge
  2. Unicorn Eggs
  3. Unicorn Pinata
  4.  Unicorn Headband
  5. Unicorn CakesSource
  6. Unicorn Cupcakes
  7. Unicorn Cookies
  8. Unicorn Macaroons
  9. Unicorn Doughnuts
  10. Unicorn Hot Chocolate
  11. Unicorn Stuffed Balloon Animal
  12. Unicorn Cake Pops

 Always be yourself, unless you can be a unicorn, then be a unicorn. 

What reason is your favorite reason to host a unicorn party?


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