Monthly Archives: June 2011

Coming soon..

New additions! Soon to be in my shop..For babies or even adults! Let me know what you think.. Thanks, Tweet

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To let her be or not to be..?

I introduced the pacifier to my baby when she was 4 months old but she stopped using it around the 6th month. Its was not until she found a more soothing technique; sucking her thumb. I’ve heard a lot of stories of the irreversible damage to the teeth and how hard it is to stop…

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Quotes to live by!

Quotes I LOVE; quotes to live by:  (Source)  (Source)  (Source)  (Source)  (Source) (Source)  (Source)  (Source)  (Source) (Source) (Source) Happy day! Thanks! Tweet

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Wall Decals! A work in progress..

I wanted to buy a WALL DECAL for aries room but the ones I liked were pretty expensive. So I decided to make my own version of wall decals. I had some card-stock paper and some paint already so I came with the idea of just stenciling out my design and just hot glue to…

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It was just one of those days..

Felt a little blue today.. everyone has one of those days! Well today was mine.I have been looking for a job for a WHILE now.. its hard out there! Am I doing something wrong here?? I haven’t worked since my baby was born in April 2010 and well since then I have been unemployed.. but…

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  • Hang in there! I work full time and I wish I could stay home at times! Good luck and I love the look of your blog. Thanks for following me.ReplyCancel

  • Thanks, Jessica! also, thanks for following me.. I just started blogging.. so I'm new to this.. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Thanks, Jessica! also, thanks for following me.. I just started blogging.. so I'm new to this.. 🙂ReplyCancel