How do you live your life to the fullest? Spring is almost here, and we are making a summer bucket list for the first time ever. Spring is our favorite season because it’s our daughter’s birthday and this year we are planning an amazing birthday party at the beach. My inspiration for living life to…
We love playing outside and sitting in the grass, gazing at the clouds.
Tonia Jeffery recently posted..11/52
I love being able to let my kids play outside again! Taking walks, going to the park, and of course the flowers!
I love being outdoors in the spring, and seeing flowers everywhere makes me so happy!
being outside playing with my son
Getting my hands dirty in my garden!
going for hikes with my dog checking out the local waterfalls!
Longer days and fresh flowers!
all the new life and plants, and warm weather to go on walks, etc.
I love being able to walk outside without being bundled up in a jacket!
Playing outside with my kids.
Taking the dogs for a walk!
The smell of fresh cut grass, blooming flowers, and sunshine on my face!
The beautiful tree and flower blooms! Brings color back from a bland winter!
My #bestfeelings of spring are the longer days full of daylight- the equal an extra hour to spend at the park or walking with our new baby girl!
My #bestfeelings of spring is opening the windows ater a long winter, smelling lilacs in the breeze that blows in. Spring is a chance for new growth!
Playing outside and enjoying the beautiful weather, also going to the beach. 🙂
I love sitting on my front porch and watching my kiddos play outside! They love it as well! The feeling of the warm weather and the smells of the blooming flowers and trees is awesome!
I’m looking forward to going out for long walks after dinner!
Enjoying the sunshine and playing outside with the kiddos!
Well we live in Chicago, so honestly I’d love to walk outside and feel something other than snow on my face. It could even be rain or just a fresh breeze, anything that isn’t freezing and making my eyes water!
Just being in the crisp spring air. Feels clean and fresh.
Warmer weather, and beautiful flowers!
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What I love about spring are longer days and being able to stay out later to enjoy the sunshine!
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Finally going outside and seeing the sun! Where I live, our winter starts in October, and will last often until April/May. Fingers crossed this year will be April, because these freezing temps have been brutal! I need me some Vitamin D!
I love getting to open the windows or doors and let the fresh air in!
I love springtime! I am super excited because this is the first spring my little is walking, so I can’t wait to spend all day outdoors with him! Yesterday we hung fresh clothes on the line to dry, and planted some flowers by the mailbox! He loved getting his hands dirty, and I loved watching him be so curious about everything around him! Spring is definitely the best season of all
Being outside while my baby is playing and running around! Love the feeling of the sun on my skin after this long winter!!