DIY Gold Leaf Eggs

I have always loved the look of gold leaf, specially how it looked on Easter eggs. This project requires little materials and so fun to make.



Materials Needed:
– Gold Leaf Metal (I purchased these at Hobby Lobby for $7.99 minus a 40% Coupon)
– Eggs (Boiled or Empty Shell)
– Food Coloring
– A Cup of water
– 1 Teaspoon of Vinegar
– School Glue
– Brush

Dye your egg in your color of choice for no more than 5 minutes depending on how dark you want them.

Add a thin layer of glue all around the egg. Then carefully, take one sheet of gold leaf and wrap around the egg.


Remove gold leaf excess with your fingertips to smooth out surface, leaving some cracks open. DSC_0863

And there you go, a perfect golden egg! Perfect to decorate a centerpiece or mantel.


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