DIY Eggshell Flower Centerpiece

When I received my monthly HGTV Magazine on the mail this past week, I saw a project using eggs that I knew I wanted to share and DIY myself. I haven’t decorated anything for Easter but I’m decorating to welcome the spring.

This project is super fun to make and it looks just fabulous for a centerpiece or just because.

Doesn’t that look gorgeous? So when you make breakfast, make sure to keep your egg shells by cracking the top of the egg carefully.

You can make one egg and place it on an single egg holder as a plate setting or make a dozen like I did and place in a ceramic egg carton for a centerpiece.

-12 Eggs
– Egg Carton or Ceramic
– Mixed Bouquet of Flowers
– Tweezers

First, you will need to gather 12 eggs.
– carefully crack the eggs by the tip and open up a small hole enough for the egg yolk can come out. Wash out eggshell.
– Using some tweezers, remove the eggshell membrane as much as possible.
-Wash out egg again, add water and place on carton
– Cut out flowers to about 3-4 inches from the steam.
-Arrange flowers to the eggshells.

What do you think? Beautiful? If you are looking for more ideas, check out some Easter projects or 100 Ways to use Washi Tape.

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