DIY Nail Polish Easter Eggs

Yep! Nail Polish and Eggs (plastic eggs work perfectly) are materials required to create this quick project. Do you have some old or cheap nail polishes you don’t want? Then save them to craft this project with your kiddos or yourself as Easter decorations or to fill your kid’s Easter baskets.

Grab your $1 dollar store nail polishes and $1 Plastic Eggs and decorate these Easter eggs.


Materials:- Plastic Eggs or Fresh Eggs
– Nail Polish of your choice
– A cup & water


  • In a small deep cup or bowl add enough water to cover an egg.
  • Add a few drops of your favorite nail polish color.
  • Dip the egg just enough to cover the egg.
  • Let the eggs dry on a plastic plate. To speed up the process: Freeze the eggs until the nail polish is dry.





There you have it. Simple and creative artistic eggs that take no more than five minutes to make.

We also have this amazing Gold Leaf Eggs Tutorial.. you must check out.


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