Bear In A Blanket

Looking for a fun way to serve breakfast or dinner to your children? I have created a Bear In A Blanket that is so cute children will say “Ahh, Cute!”. My daughter was super excited to see her “sleepy bear” when I finished photographing it. All Aries wanted to do is stare and don’t eat. I’m sharing this creation at Nature Box.

Hope you enjoy making this cute little bear in a blanket for your children.


Bear In A Blanket
Author: Angie @
  • 1 Cup of Brown Rice
  • 2 Scrambled Eggs (Omelet- Cooked)
  • A piece of cheese to form the ears and nose
  • Pieces of black sticks such as Black Olives or Licorice to form the eyes and nose.
  1. Cook your brown rice on stove top for 45-50 minutes as directed on bag.
  2. Scrambled your eggs with a pinch of salt on med/high temperature on a lightly buttered skillet pan.
  3. To form your Bear In A Blanket:
  4. Place about 1/2 cup of rice in the middle of the plate to form his body. Then scoop a medium size ball of rice to form his head. To form the bear’s ears, use a small amount of rice by shaping it like a half circle.
  5. Place the omelet on top of the bears body to form the blanket.
  6. Attach the pieces to form his ears, nose & eyes.
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