DIY Unicorn Easter Eggs

Are you on the unicorn trend yet? Those unicorn cakes, unicorn cupcakes, unicorn hair and unicorn hairbrushes just makes me happy! So now we turned our Easter eggs into a cute sleepy eye unicorn with pretty tiny flowers from Michael’s Stores.

A little hot glue, some flowers and a few vinyl sleepy eyes later, you have these irresistibly cute Easter eggs any unicorn fanatic will love.


Here is what you will need:

  • Eggs
  • tiny spring flowers ( I found many options at Michael’s store in the floral and scrapbook department.)
  • Felt
  • Gold fabric
  • Hot Glue


Making the tiny horns: Make a cone out of felt. Hot glue ends. Stuff with a little bit of felt. Cover the little horn with gold fabric and hot glue ends. Attach gold twine by hot gluing in the top of the horn and on the bottom. Check this tutorial for pictures.

Hot glue the horns to the egg. Hot glue min flowers around the horn. 

Tip: Make sure eggs are completely cool. Otherwise the hot glue won’t stick well if the eggs are cold. 

Using a cutting machine like Cricut, cut out vinyl sleepy eyes to about 1 inch in size. Use our sleepy eye free printable to upload to your Cricut software program. Download the free printable here.


And there you have it. Cute little unicorn easter eggs. For more easter eggs check our ideas here, you will find typography, tattoo, gold leaf, succulent eggs and even floral eggs.

How are you crafting your Easter eggs this year?  

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