10 DIY Canvas Ideas!

Hi Everyone!
I gathered some more DIYs ideas! Here are 10 canvas ideas for you to give a try!

Sparkle Canvas

I love this idea, specially for my little girl’s room! Oh, I can’t wait to try it out and show you how it turned out! Its super easy, simply cut bulb size holes and attached the lights behind the canvas!

Interlocking Circles 

DIY Photo Canvas

A great gift idea for you loved and a great wall art!

Cut OUT Canvas
This is a neat idea! Wonder If I can do this with out messing up.

Using Painters Tape
Oh magic painter’s tape, you’re awesome! 

Chevron Canvas using painter’s tape
What’s not to love about chevron!?

Using Vinyl
I only wish I had a silhouette machine to cut my vinyl but free hand is also an option!

Using a stencil
There are so many stencils to choose from to create a great wall art canvas!

Using Buttons
Got some extra buttons?! Use them to make a fantastic button wall art canvas!

Excuse our mess canvas
This is a neat idea! My little girl would have a blast helping me do this!

Thanks for stopping by! 
I hope you get inspired to craft away!
{If you pin any of the canvas ideas pics, pin them from original source}

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  • Love them all! Great post 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Great ideas Angie! I love the cut out and vinyl canvas. There are indeed many ways to make your own canvas wall art by using some common things around you 🙂ReplyCancel

  • danielle

    that sparkle canvas is AMAZING!ReplyCancel

  • Elena

    Great ideas! Thanks for sharing!ReplyCancel