DIY Balloon Flower Garland

The day of the love is just days away, and I have yet to find a perfect Valentine’s day gift for my loved one. Guys are just so difficult to gift to, even after all these years together, sometimes I ran out of  gift ideas for him. I’m pretty sure they say the same about us.


I just love the combination of balloons and flowers and this inspired me to do a little Valentine’s day garland. Not only the perfect Valentine’s Day Garland but perfect for any special occasion like weddings, birthday parties and more. My little girl loves the garland, and loves staring at it when she is in her bed. We are using the garland as a backdrop for our Valentine’s Day photos. 

To make your own balloon flower garland you will need the following:

  • Balloons of different shades
  • Faux flowers and greenery
  • String like baker’s twine
  • Hot glue and glue sticks 


Tie a long piece of twine from the celling or wall, depending how long you want your garland. Then begin attaching filled balloons to the twine by tying them with a double the knot so the balloons will last longer.

Attach plenty of balloons to fill the twine. Then begin hot gluing greenery stems to the twine in some areas of the balloon garland. Then hot glue a few of your favorite flowers stems in between the balloons. Once you are happy with the combination of flowers and balloons, you can simply hang your Garland with push pins. 

As I started to add the pink flowers, I didn’t want to stop, I just loved the way they look and made an extra balloon/flower garland. 
My favorite place to shop for faux flowers is Michaels. Michales have a great selection of faux flowers and they are mostly on sale! I love a good sale! I like working up on faux flowers because I re-use them all the time for projects. 





Now, that you have your Garland ready, you can make more! In various colors combinations. Hope you are inspired to create your own balloon flower Garland. 

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  • […] This awesome garland will be perfect for a bridal shower or a baby shower, prepare balloons of different shades, faux flowers and greenery, string like baker’s twine, hot glue and glue sticks. Tie a long piece of twine from the celling or wall, depending how long you want your garland. Then begin attaching filled balloons to the twine by tying them with a double the knot so the balloons will last longer. Attach plenty of balloons to fill the twine. Then begin hot gluing greenery stems to the twine in some areas of the balloon garland. Then hot glue a few of your favorite flowers stems in between the balloons. Keep reading the tutorial in the source. […]ReplyCancel

  • […] Questa ghirlanda di pink balloons, fiori e foglie di felce é davvero bella ed elegante, é di […]ReplyCancel