Create & Inspire Party 11/16

Welcome to the Create & Inspire Party! C&I is a party where you can come by and party along to share your creativity, projects or anything inspiring! You can link up as many projects you want with no rules, all we ask is a little tweet or share this party with your crafty bloggy friends!

Now you can link up weekly with Angie from Little Inspiration and Kimberly from A Night Owl. Double the fun!

Now onto the features:

A number of your projects were featured in 15 Thanksgiving Projects!

Fabric Headband Tutorial by Rae Gun Ramblings

Trader Joe’s Cookie Butter Truffles by Pint Sized Baker

DIY Deer Head Pallet Mount by Liz Marie Blog

Felt Pine Trees by The Crafted Sparrow

7-up Cake by Chocolate, Chocolate and More

If you were featured you may grab the party button below..

Create & Inspire Linky Party
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Create & Inspire Linky Party"><img src="" alt="Create & Inspire Linky Party" style="border:none;" /></a></div>


Now let’s get this party started..

  • Share on Facebook , Pin it and/or
  • We will feature the TOP PROJECTS next week and will be directly pinned on C&I Pinterest Board.
  • Link up as many projects as you want; linking back is optional.
  • By linking up at C & I, you are agreeing to allowing Little Inspiration & A Night Owl Blog to grab one of your images to feature with a link back.

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